What is a Reference Check?

In many organizations, a reference check is considered as an integral part of recruiting process. Companies more often contact the administrators, previous employers, institutions, while some organizations categorize the references as formal & informal references.

What is a Reference Check?


It refers to the organizations' recruiting procedure to obtain further information about an applicant. It involves contacting past employers, administrators, and institutions to receive more reports on their qualifications, education, employment history, and behavioral etiquettes.


Organizations categorize the references as legal & Informal references; Under legal or professional authorities, management may contact the person having professional relations with the applicant like the past supervisors, institutions, and many more, while Informal references may include friends & relatives.


Most of the time we consider reference checks as employment verification. But this is a considerable misinterpretation as both the reviews play a different role in the process of background verification; Employment verification limits itself to candidate assessment through employment history while reference checks can be used even further.


Employment Verification: It is a process under which the organization confirms the past working, which is the employment history of the candidate that is deeply examined, while it is job-specific, examining the tenure period, designations many more.


Reference check or employment verification?


Suppose one wants to gather information regarding the past working or wish to gain job-specific informants. In that case, employment checks become an easy fit as they may check all the details related to job designations, titles, roles, responsibilities, etc.

But if an organization wants to know if the applicants were a perfect fit for the previous organization or need feedback on the applicant's performance, then a reference check becomes a great option.


Benefits of Reference checks:


·         Confirms the pieces of information provided by the applicant.

·         Examines if the candidate is a right fit for the job.

·         Facilitate in the behavioral findings from the previous job history.


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